
NYWC Austin: Last Morning

Like most disciples, I'm not ready to go home. I'd love to build a booth on this mountaintop, out of leftovers from the exhibit hall, and live here basking in Jesus' glow from the convention forever. The only problem I can see with this is that my grocery budget would be obscene.

Am I ready go to home? No. Do I have to? Yes. So what will I do when I get there?

I will believe that God has the power to do even the most miraculous things I can think of, and even more since I can't, without the Spirit's help, even think of most of them.

I will remember that youth ministry is way bigger than me by myself, and I will ask for help.

I will take time to sit and listen, to God and to my peers and students.

I will teach my students to use the Word, to know it, and to interact with it, and they'll all carry highlighters for the good stuff.

I will stop praying like a wuss.

I hope.

I could sure use some help with these pledges. Would you all pray for me? I'll do the same for you. God's got a great plan for us this year-- let's hold each other accountable for taking part in it as it's revealed.

Father, I pray for your whole church, and for my friends who minister with students. Pour your power on this world and refresh us. Help us remember your prophets, your teachers, and your Son, who have all felt what we feel and worked where we work. Let us see enough of your plan that we can know what you would have us do, but not so much that we rely on our own work to accomplish it. Be with our students and grow them into the strong disciples you've planned them to be. Be with our families, our spouses (and future spouses, please) and all who care for us and keep us healthy. Help us to lavish time and love on them so they know how much we appreciate them. Your Kingdom come in all its perfection, and let us see it. Amen.

1 comment:

Dana Delynn said...

I'll be praying for you.