
Which to pick

No apologies for the hiatus I've been inadvertantly taking here at the Rookie Youth Worker, I'm getting ready to move to a new apartment, and the stress-o-meter between that and all the events we've been putting on at CSMSG stays high. Yesterday afternoon I went up to Starbucks on Hanley and Wydown to troll for students, since it's just up the street from one of the schools where a lot of our kids go, and I purposely brought no real work along, just the Leonard Sweet book "Out of the Question, Into the Mystery" which is about maintaining relationship with God, and I highly recommend. Today, therefore, I feel muchly relaxed and able to get once again into the meaty issues of faith with a new segment which I 'll call "Theology Tuesday."

In an effort to keep myself accountable to writing this blog, I'm working up a sort of programming schedule, so you'll know what to look for on certain days of the week, and be able to post irate comments (in the love of Christ) when I fall short.

Theology Tuesday works just like it sounds-- on Tuesdays I'll post about theology. Are you ready? Good.

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