
The Secret Checklist for Lock-Ins

A few things I learned from the last series of lock-ins we did here at CSMSG.

  • Strings of Christmas lights make great safety lighting through the hallways-- kids can play games "in the dark" and I can see my way around.
  • Give the adult leaders the Bible study guides before Bible study actually starts. One adult at the 8th grade event said, "Well, I have gone into presentations with less preparation than this."
  • Set up an official rotation for adults to be in each of the activity areas, not all clumped together in one space. This worked out naturally after a little while, but I should have been more active about it.
  • Post signs that say, "This door is locked" on red paper on any door that's not physically locked but that is "locked to students."
  • At rule-making time, make the "please don't" list yourself, then ask students to make the "please do" list and all sign it.
  • Don't leave the pile of big red signs around where students can find it and post the "guys only" and "girls only" signs on the opposite doors.


Pastor Jeff Graham said...

Hey, Just discovered your site and wanted to tell you that I will definitely be using Christmas lights at our next laser tag night. When it gets dark out it's really dark in our sanctuary. Thanks for the tip!


Isaac, The Rookie said...

Glad I could help!