
Help-- need a hard-to-recognize Biblical character

Hey, I'm headed for a reunion next month with my group of youth ministers who trained together, and part of the event is a trivia night/costume contest.

So I need some suggestions for a character from the Bible who would be hard to recognize but would also have a great backstory. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Ehud the Lefty Judge

Anonymous said...

ehud the lefty judge. simply wear a tunic and a sword strapped on your right thigh

raine1882 said...

you should go as one of the women....

Dj said...

Awww...everyone beat me to Ehud. What about Jael?

Isaac, The Rookie said...

What's funny about that, DJ, is that at our fall kickoff event this year we themed it around the David Letterman show, and our "guest band" aka all the church school teachers with kazoos, was named "Jael and the Tentpegs."

Anonymous said...
